I'm not creative!
I'm not creative!
'I have not picked up a crayon since school!'
' I had a terrible experience with my teacher when I did!'
' I am aready in pain, overwhelmed and I don't want any more anxiety to handle!!!'
These reactions are so common. Sadly, many of us creators - we are all creators, actually - have had a negative experience with 'being creative.' Many people do not identify as 'creative.' Being asked to 'be creative' is an anxiety creating request.
What do I need to do?
In your first session with Kit, you'll likely begin by putting your situation onto a page with oil pastilles - a form of soft crayon, see Creativity Kit. It may only be a dot, a line. Once you experience creative therapy, you'll realise 'the art' is not the point. The process is the point. Whatever you create is what is perfect for you in that moment.
What else is involved?
Your therapeutic process will evolve from your goal. You are asked to get together a Creativity Kit to begin. After that, Kit works with clients to either add to their materials or find things around the home or office. It's very organic and surprisingly simple.
Some processes just involve your body - inner sensations and images. Nothing asked for is beyond you - Kit is aware you are already vulnerable as you have come to therapy for help.
Check out getting your Creativity Kit together here.